ICBM 2025


Call For Abstracts

Share Your Insights, Shape the Future of Behavioral Medicine

Submit Your Research for ICBM2025

We invite researchers, practitioners, and experts in behavioral medicine to submit their latest findings, innovative approaches, and impactful interventions for consideration at ICBM2025.

Present your work alongside leading researchers and practitioners from around the world. Contribute to meaningful discussions, collaborations, and advancements in behavioral medicine.

We are currently accepting Late-Breaking Abstracts for poster presentations. Submission Deadline: April 15, 2025

Mark Your Calendars

Important Dates

Launch – Call for Abstracts​ ​ 

August 26, 2024

Deadline – Abstract Submission​ 

December 2, 2024

Launch – Late Breaking Abstracts Submission 

January 24, 2025

Deadline – Late Breaking Abstracts Submission

March 24, 2025

Late Breaking Abstracts Selection and Notification
Deadline – Abstract Presenter Confirmation and Registration​ 

April 15, 2025

important information

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Authors are asked to present their work with precise and clear objectives, directly related to their evidence and scientific support to support their research or clinical study. Every abstract will be peer-reviewed and reviewed by members of the Scientific Program Committee.

  • All abstracts must be submitted through the ICBM 2025 Online Portal.
  • Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Length: 250 words, not including title, authors, and affiliations
  • Abstract Structure:
    – Background
    – Purpose
    – Method
    – Results
    – Conclusion(s)
  • Standard abbreviations may be used undefined, but non-standard abbreviations must be defined. Arabic numerals should be used for numbers except when beginning a sentence. 
  • Abstracts should disclose primary findings and should not include promissory statements such as “Results will be discussed.”
  • No changes can be made to abstracts once the abstract submission deadline has passed.
  • Presenting authors of accepted abstracts must be registered and paid participants. Registration must be received by the Secretariat by the Early Registration Deadline to ensure inclusion of the abstract in the meeting publications and in order to be scheduled for presentation.
  • The submitting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
  • The Scientific Committee will determine the presentation type of each accepted abstract, with consideration given to the author’s preference. The committee’s decision is final.
  1. Life Course Track- Child, Adolescent and Family
  2. Life Course Track- Aging and Health
  3. Life Course Track- Occupational Health
  4. Prevention and Intervention Track- Behavioral Change and Interventions
  5. Prevention and Intervention Track- Prevention and Interventions
  6. Prevention and Intervention Track- System and Network Approaches to Intervention
  7. Prevention and Intervention Track- Interventions and Health Outcomes
  8. Education Communication and Implementation- Education, Training and Clinical Topics
  9. Education Communication and Implementation- Health Education, Promotion, Communication and Decision Making
  10. Education Communication and Implementation- Health Systems, Policy, Advocacy, Dissemination and Implementation
  11. Health Equity- Health and Socio-economic, including sexual and minorities
  12. Health Equity- Patients, Public, Policy, and Practice
  13. Mechanisms- Biological Mechanisms
  14. Mechanisms- Nocebo and Placebo
  15. Non-Communicable Diseases and Syndromes- Diabetes
  16. Non-Communicable Diseases and Syndromes- Chronic and Persistent Conditions
  17. Non-Communicable Diseases and Syndromes- Cardiovascular Diseases
  18. Cancer Prevention and Control- Cancer Prevention and Control
  19. Infectious Diseases- Infectious Diseases COVID-19, Viruses, Topical Medicine and HIV/AIDS

Call for Nominations for Early Career Awards for ICBM 2025 in Vienna

The Governing Council of ISBM will present up to ten Early Career Awards, each in the value of USD 500, to encourage a further career in behavioral medicine. The awards will be distributed at a congress ceremony, where all awardees are expected to be present. Some additional ISBM funds are available for award winners from countries with limited resources, to partially cover conference-related costs.

Recipients will have distinguished themselves scientifically or in their clinical practice career.


Selection of the Early Career Award is based on total career achievement and review of a submitted and accepted abstract. To qualify for this award, the applicant has to meet the eligibility criteria listed below:

  • Should be no more than seven (7) years out from their highest degree and/or
  • Have held a faculty or professional position for no more than seven (7) years.
  • Must submit an abstract of empirical work.
  • Must be the first or only author of the accepted abstract.
  • Attendance and presentation at the congress is required.

Priority may be given to applications from countries with limited resources, and/or representatives from different geographical regions.


In addition to submitting an abstract for ICBM 2025, applicants are asked to self-nominate for the early career award during abstract submission and upload the following documents:

  • a short curriculum vitae (max 4 pages)
  • a personal statement (max 1 page) providing an overview of your research achievements to date with full contact details (name, postal address, phone, fax, email)

If you wish to access, revise, or apply for the Early Career Award after submitting your abstract please login to the Abstract Submission Portal, go to Update Contact Information and select Edit Contact Details.

Award decisions

The applications will be judged by a panel consisting of the Chair of the ISBM Education and Training Committee, members of the Education and Training Committee, and members of the ISBM Executive Committee and Board.


The deadline for the award applications is January 13, 2025. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by April 15, 2025.

Answers to Your Questions About Abstract Submissions

Call for Abstracts FAQs

Who can submit an abstract for ICBM 2025?

Researchers, practitioners, academics, students, and professionals in the field of behavioral medicine are welcome to submit abstracts.

What types of presentations are accepted?
ICBM 2025 accepts abstract submissions for oral presentations, posters and rapid presentations. For any additional questions or clarifications regarding abstract submissions, please contact our Abstract Submission Support team at icbm2025-program@icsevents.com.
What are the submission guidelines?

Please refer to the Submission Guidelines document available on the Abstract Submission portal for detailed instructions on formatting, content, and deadlines.

Can I submit multiple abstracts?

Yes, you may submit multiple abstracts. However, please ensure each submission is unique and meets the congress’s thematic focus.

When is the deadline for abstract submission?

The deadline for abstract submission is January 6, 2025.

How will I know if my abstract is accepted?

Notifications regarding abstract acceptance or rejection will be sent to the corresponding author by February 27, 2025.

Can I make changes to my submitted abstract?

Changes to submitted abstracts are allowed until the submission deadline. After the deadline, modifications may not be possible.

Where can I get further assistance or clarifications?

For any additional questions or clarifications regarding abstract submissions, please contact our Abstract Submission Support team at [Email Address].